Election Day

Tomorrow, November 5, 2019, is Election Day. If you haven't voted early (as I did), then you need to get to any polling place in Travis County (if you're registered in Travis County) and cast your vote on ten constitutional amendments, one county proposition, and other issues, depending on where you reside.

I know, "Why should I vote?" Do the issues affect you? Yes, they do. There are several constitutional amendments that could affect you or people that you care about. For me, the most important constitutional amendment is Proposition 4, which, if adopted, will place a prohibition on an income tax in the Texas Constitution. I know that Texans hate an income tax. What are the alternatives if additional revenue is needed by the state to fund such essential services as public education, higher education, health care, transportation, as well as others that you can probably think of?

Only 4.98 percent of Texas' nearly 16 million registered voters have voted early. Your vote counts, and it counts for even more in low voter turnout elections, such as this special election. As an active citizen, make your views known by voting.


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