Tuesday, December 6, 2016

A New Democratic Party Logo?

I'm a member of a private group, and one of its members proposed the following as a new logo for the Democratic Party.

Here's her explanation of the logo's components:

Republicans really embrace their elephant. I've never liked the Donkey (aka Ass) symbol for the Democratic Party. As a graphic designer I feel like we need a new symbol to rally behind. Hillary's H with the arrow really took off! I would like to carry that momentum and introduce a new logo for the Democratic Party that we can embrace.
This is my concept: Blue D for Democrat, Arrow represents progress/pushing forward (embraces the progressive movement), the arrow is Red because we want push the republicans forward too, and the negative space (white) is an equal sign signifying our American value that we are all equal. Thoughts?



  1. As a Republican, I am not crazy about Elephant, but it is recognizable and pervasive--late 19th century. I think it would be very hard to change nationally, the primary logo of a party.
    On the other hand, as a secondary logo, it might work. Might always use as first letter for the word Democrat.
    To me, however, the logo looks like the Hillary Logo--who just lost. How would the logo go over with Bernie supporters, etc. I would suggest that some serious survey work needs to be done among activists, party officials at the grass roots.
    Maybe Republicans are just more into tradition that Democrats on such things, but I think there would be alot of support for the Donkey among the typical precinct chair activist type nationally or maybe even among those white blue collar types that your party recently lost.

    1. Thanks for the comment. I agree that it resembles the Hillary logo for 2016, and she's cognizant of that. I like the symbolism in this that is not, in my opinion, in the donkey--progress, equality, unity. Another member of the group suggested that the arrow be red, white, and blue--rather than just red--to indicate a desire to bring partisans and independents together. The loss of white working-class voters is definitely something that the Democratic Party must address in its policies and appeals, but promising a return to an earlier period in American history is not, in my estimation, the solution. I believe that Huntington foresaw the 2016 election in his 2005 book, Who are We? The issue is a matter of national identity and the choice between a nationalistic or a cosmopolitan identity.
