Voter Registration and Turnout Figures

I found Gardner Selby’s Politifact Texas article in Sunday’s Austin American-Statesman interesting and decided to do some of my own checking. The article assessed whether Travis County Tax Assessor-Collector Bruce Elfant’s statement that Texas ranked near the bottom in registered voters was accurate. There are various ways to compute the percentage of registered voters. Most commonly, the percentage of registered voters is calculated by dividing the number of registered voters by the voting age population (VAP) –residents who are 18 years-old and older. For example, if the number of registered voters is 14,025,441, and the voting age population is 18,915,297, then the percentage of registered voters is 74.15 percent. These are the figures used by the Texas Secretary of State to calculate percentage of registered voters. This is problematic as some of the voting age population may not be qualified to vote because they are not citizens of the United Stat...